Saturday, January 3, 2009

Worship & Kenny Rogers

So I've been feeling rather "lost" on weekends, without church. I'td been a big part of my live for most of the last 34 years. ANd I didn't feel led to find a new church, but how to worship? How to fill my weekends?

Well, I've discovered you can worship outside of church, you just have to think outside the box. You can owrship God by tlaking to a firend on the phone, ro in person, about God. You can worship jsut by enjoying the time you spend with friends and family. Reading your child a Bible story.

This really started to click for me when I went to Kenny Rogers concert with my friend Donna. The second half of the concert was xmas songs, and I think it was during "Mary did You Know". The song, (all the Christian carols actually) had so much meaning. It just gave me such a feeling of awe, wonder, I couldn't even speak. Donna leaned over and whispered "now this is worship!" And no, it wasn't Kenny Rogers we were worshipping at that moment.

I would never have thought I would experience God at a Kenny Rogers concert. So since then, I've been finding worship in lots of little and big ways. Winter beauty. Sitting down with bumbleberry pie and chai tea and thinking how God has blessed in my life. Enjoying the wonder of Chirstmas as seen through my child's eyes. Praying. Prayer journalling. Playing the piano. Listening to music.

God is an amazing, wonderful, awesome God, and He wants our worship and praise all the time- not just at church, and not just in conventional ways!

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